Major Supplement Client Lacked Visibility in Google Search Results

This major supplement company launched a consumer website but wasn’t seeing sales and conversions. We identified the content gaps, created 20+ blogs, and provided search engine optimized content training. The blog is now driving traffic and sales for the website.


A major supplement company launched a consumer website but wasn’t seeing sales and conversions.


Clarifying the goals of this new consumer-focused supplements website and identifying the content and SEO strategy required to meet these goals.

To achieve this, we conducted a competitive keyword gap analysis comparing our client’s website to those of their competitors.

We identified that every competitor website has a blog with expertly researched and written content. To rank higher than their competitors, we highlighted the keywords our client should target to meet search intent and the best content formats to use.


The obvious solution for our supplement client was to create a blog. Because this website is categorized by Google as Your Money Your Life (YMYL) website, Google holds the content to a higher standard than other websites. This means the blog must contain well-researched content that clearly communicates expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T).

To ensure our client was not penalized for its blog, we provided specialized training about Google and what Google wants from its YMYL websites.

This included training our client’s marketing and regulatory team on key topics including:

  • SEO and search strategies
  • SEO best practices for content writing and creation
  • Keyword usage
  • Search intent
  • E-A-T (expertise, authoritativeness, trustworthiness) and the importance of expert authorship
  • How to plan a content calendar

Based on our experience and agreed upon strategy, our content team created 20+ long-form blog posts on a range of health and supplement topics for this client to support the launch of their content program. This helped our client understand the blog research, writing, and editing process and set them up with a strong foundation of content to build on.


Our major supplement client now has a robust blog that is ranking high in Google search results and driving traffic and sales from the website.

Using search term data we provided, the marketing team has created a content calendar that includes a range of topics that address their readership’s search intent.

Most importantly, the marketing team now has the knowledge, expertise, confidence, and tools to create competitive content that meets Google’s expectations and gives readers the information they’re looking for.

We continue to work with this client in managing the on-page and off-page SEO, technical search strategies, and content creation and optimization.

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